Aug 1Liked by Betty Marmalade

Oh, a fellow laundry line obsessive! And it doesn't even matter if it's my own or someone else's, visually, emotionally, psychologically, whatever. Thank you for this ode to the glory that is the washing hung out to share with the world. P.S. Isn't it sad that in many communities in the USA (even when there's heat waves) it's not allowed to hang out your laundry? It's an offence worthy of a FINE? And in Holland I was once reprimanded by my host for not abiding by the strict hanging-by-color-coordination rule. Yikes.

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I got told off once for hanging my laundry on my balcony (top of downstairs' bay window really) - the people in the other flats complained. I thought it was rather decorative. USA is such a contradiction - washing lines are where all the action happens in films but in real life put it in the dryer, rack up some more bills in this 40 degree heat - great job!

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Glorious as ever Lizzie, especially liked "hanging in their shame where no one could see them" I have banished all my grey underwear, forever, if ever I had any... the trick is to simply avoid pastel shades, UNLESS, you are committed to gently hand washing them separately, and who has time for that, staff darling, where's the staff when you need them....

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I tend to buy underwear in packs so there's always at least one white (soon to be grey) item!

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Jul 31Liked by Betty Marmalade

As always this Substack is the best, as they seem to get better every time. Its heartwarming, and funny in equal measure. Thanks Lizzie. xx

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In Belize, women compete, and are no doubt judged, on the symmetry and artistry of their washing lines. I'm sure you'd be on the medalist podiu. With ours. Gold medal for sure for the potato salad!

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No symmetry, but bold patterns and colours are winners 🥇

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Washing on the line is possibly one of my favourite things in the world. I find it so therapeutic pegging it out, and the sight of it blowing dry in the sunshine is just heaven! X

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And the smell! I had no idea so many people had this same obsession - we should start a club!

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Aug 1Liked by Betty Marmalade

I like the idea that you should colour coordinate your laundry! I also remember and learnt from

Mum’s laundry habits: hang shirts from the yoke not the collar, one peg for two items when hanging towels sheets etc, three hankies or napkins hanging from their corners and one peg … I and my elderly next door neighbour are the only people to use a washing line on our street.

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and dolly pegs! I actually bought some recently in a fit of nostalgia - but they are not very efficient it has to be said.

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Jul 31Liked by Betty Marmalade

Lovely to read this paene to laundry. I shall share it,with another committed laundry lady my wife.

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Ah, yes, I remember K's mild obsession well!

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